After almost two weeks of bitterly frigid weather, Mother Nature slipped in a couple pleasant days during which time the Medina Creative Housing team hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony announcing the official opening of its Post Secondary Residential College Program.
Medina Creative Housing CEO Dianne DePasquale-Hagerty, the driving force who has been with MCH and its affiliates 15 years, began the January 10 ceremony with, “Welcome to Tropical Medina County — who but MCH would have a ribbon-cutting outdoors in January?”; those who know her agree she is one of the few people who can plan an outdoor event in January, in Ohio, and actually carry it off.
DePasquale-Hagerty told the crowd of about 50 people this latest venture is filling the gap for people with disabilities, making it possible for them to obtain higher education. She said, “This program (which does not exist anywhere else in the country) provides the recipe for success.”
The newly-built eight-bedroom facility located at 3987 Miller Drive, Brunswick, is the home of Medina Creative Transitions, where students with disabilities pursuing higher education will live while taking classes at Tri-C West Campus; they began moving into their “dorms” over the weekend. Essentially, they are getting to “go away to college.”
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