Creatively Re-Imagined

Creatively Re-Imagined

Vocational Habilitation Program

3334 Myers Road, Medina, Ohio 44256


 The Creative Living Wellness Center and Creatively Re-Imagined Vocational Habilitation Program stand as remarkable achievements in our efforts to support individuals with disabilities. They mark a significant step forward in our commitment to diversity, inclusivity, and creating a future where everyone can flourish.


Embracing New Programs and Opportunities

Transformed from a humble old warehouse into a cutting-edge repurposing facility, the hub for the new ‘Creatively Re-Imagined Vocational Habilitation Program’ is brimming with creativity and innovation! Here, individuals with disabilities will discover a diverse range of trade programs tailored to unleash their creativity and foster their talents.

From photography to woodworking, floristry to jewelry making, and beyond, our center offers a spectrum of vocational avenues for exploration and growth. By providing access to these vocational programs, we aim to empower individuals with disabilities to cultivate their skills, pursue their passions, and achieve greater independence in both their personal and professional lives.

See What's Inside!

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